GAME D chatting rules
To chat on all GAME D channels, you must have a subscription period of at least 12 hours for each channel.
These rules accept all of GAME D YouTube streaming channel.
In order to provide enjoyment for everyone with the healthy broadcast culture of the GAME D YouTube streaming channel, we apply the following rules.
1. Profanity, sexual remarks (including sexual harassment), political-related remarks, harassment of the deceased, and baseless accusations are prohibited.
- Profanity and normally sexual remarks are automatically filtered by the bot.However, if you make such remarks through the filtering of the bot, it will be blocked immediately and you will not be able to explain.
- Baseless accusations BLOCK IMMEDIATELY, and we will give you the opportunity to explain during the 3-days calling period.
- Informs us that unfounded accusations or sexual harassment with a serious level of damage may result in a legal response.
- political-related remarks block immediately.
- If you insult the deceased, you will be blocked, and you may be punished according to the relevant laws in the Republic of Korea.
2. Regarding the request song
- Feel free to chat about the application song, but① When the user expresses his intention to reject the application song
② When a user who is playing doesn't see or can't see the chat window
In the above case, if you continue to chat about the application song or request an unconditional application song, the chat limit of 300 seconds will be applied, and if the report accumulates for the same reason, it will be blocked.